Gratitude For Donated Seeds and Trees

We are feeling full of gratitude and potential today, after receiving some beautiful living gifts from our partners at the Glen Helen Ecology Institute and Central State University last week. One of our first priorities at Agraria is removing invasive honeysuckle and replacing it with plants that will increase the biodiversity and support for the local food web. We’re off to a great start with the removal—and please watch our website, newsletter, and social media for more opportunities to get involved—so now we are ready to begin the replacement. These donations--and your contribution--will help the process take off!

Dr. Marcus Nagle, Assistant Professor of Agriculture, Research and Development at Central State, supplied three lovely northern pecan seedlings. Future human and animal denizens of Agraria will benefit from their delicious bounty. From Glen Helen, we received burr oak, bitternut hickory, butternut hickory, and shagbark hickory seeds. All these trees are native to woodlands in Ohio, and several provide great food sources for humans and/or animals. In addition, the shagbark hickory provides critical bat habitat. For now, we will grow these seeds into seedlings in pots while we develop a planting plan. Soon enough, thanks to our terrific partners, there will be new and flourishing tree growth at Agraria!


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